- at a standstill停止,停顿;
- address oneself to向…讲话;<正>着手做某事, 把某人的精力[注意力]转向某事;
- a while back一段时间之前,不久之前
- a set number of一组数
- a sense of belonging一种归属感
- a gordian knotn.难解的结,棘手的问题;
- a good amount of很好的数量
- a free handn.放手干的权利;
- a fly in the ointmentn.美中不足之处;
- beg for mercy乞求宽大,讨饶,乞怜;乞哀告怜;
- be at a loss茫然不知;困惑不解;迷惘;半筹不展;
- be meant for命中注定;本应为;
- contend for为获得…而竞争;夺;博取;
- claim for damages要求赔偿损失;
- fall for上当,听信;爱上;
- have a crush on(口)非常喜欢,狂热地爱上;
- in a rutn.刻板乏味,墨守成规。字面意思是在车辙里(行走)。;
- leave room for给…留下地方;
- lead a busy life过着忙碌的生活
- make up to巴结, 拍马屁;
- 双语例句
I am make a name for oneself, the confidence full gentleman.
我是功成名就, 信心实足的绅士.
The desire does not make a name for oneself, hopes to look the ordinary life!
不愿望功成名就, 但愿望平平凡凡过一生!
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